Saturday, June 13, 2009

tumors suk

I found out a dear friend and my old coach is having a kidney removed due to a baseball sized tumor. It's a shame as this has been a fantastic racing season for him and he's on a super-strong team (Global Bike). This has been a hell of a roller coaster ride for him this year and I kinda hate not being able to be around the "wood" a bit more to be with the boyz. D.K. I know you are thinking about giving racing up and I can understand. I found this quote about running, but I think you could replace "run" with "ride" and it would sum up how I'm sure we both feel. This quote is from Dr. George Sheehan.

"We know that the effects of training are temporary. I cannot put fitness in the bank. If inactive, I will detrain faster than it took me to get in shape. I must remain constantly in training. Otherwise, the sedentary life will inexorable reduce my mental and emotional well-being.
So, I run each day to preserver the self I attain the day before. And coupled with this is the desire to secure the self yet to be. There can be no letup. If I do not run, I will eventually lose all I have gained--and my future with it."

DK, I've prayed for you. T & I love you and I'll ride with you soon. If you give up racing, I understand. If not, I look forward to racing with/against you next year. If someone is going to kick my a$$, it might is well be my "one kidney'd brotha from anotha mutha."


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